Better Results Set Us Apart

Patient and Families

At Shelbourne Knee Center, we only treat knees. And it shows. Read more about our results below. 

How do we achieve better outcomes for our patients? By focusing on treatments that we know work best, based on 40+ years of research with 13,000+ patients.

That’s why pro athletes from around the world choose Shelbourne Knee Center when they have an injured knee. So do high school and college athletes, weekend warriors and regular people from throughout Indiana and the Midwest.

One Focus. Proven Results.

By focusing only on knees, we’ve built extensive experience treating:

  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears 
  • Meniscus tears and other injuries
  • Knee arthritis
  • Other knee conditions

We help you get off the sidelines and back to living, working and playing the way you want faster and with better long-term results.

Here are some of our results.

Results for treatment of ACL tears

Our treatment for ACL tears includes:

  • Physical therapy (rehab) to restore range of motion before strengthening your knee, done before and after surgery. Our accelerated post-op physical therapy helps you recover faster.
  • Surgery that uses the strongest graft available to reconstruct your ACL.

Athletes with ACL tears treated at Shelbourne Knee Center:

  • Have a 85–90% return to sport rate, compared to a 50–60% average for most orthopedic practices
  • Return to sport in as little as 3 months after surgery, with an average of 4–6 months after surgery
  • Have a lower risk of arthritis in the future than patients at other orthopedic practices

Read more about our treatment for ACL injuries.

Results for treatment of knee arthritis

Physical therapy, not knee replacement surgery, is our main treatment for knee arthritis. We’ve developed a specialized knee arthritis PT program that helps most patients stay out of the operating room:

  • 76% of our patients didn’t need knee replacement surgery after completing physical therapy at Shelbourne Knee Center.
  • Most patients had less pain and stiffness within 4–6 weeks of starting physical therapy.

If you do need a knee replacement, physical therapy before surgery will help you have a better result and an easier recovery.

Read more about our treatment for knee arthritis.